6 Signs that You Should Slow Down the Partying

Growing up in your 20’s can be super confusing especially when we have people telling us to be young, have fun and live your life. Then others will tell us to stop fooling around, work hard and grow up. Ugh SO confusing!


Personally I have struggled with this. I ask myself “Do I go out and party with my friends and be young? Because I am never going to be this young again. Or do I stay in and do something productive to enhance my future so that I can be ahead in life?”


I think it comes down to what do you really want? Is your ultimate goal to be a successful in your career and thought of highly by your accomplishments? Or is your goal to be able to tell your grand kids funny stories of how you had the craziest times of your life partying even though you can’t really remember all of them?


Don’t get me wrong I think every young person should have fun partying at some point in their life! If you never go out in your early 20’s I think you are suppressing yourself and setting yourself up for failure in the future. But also there comes a time when you accept that you had fun in a decent amount of time partying and doing crazy things. And now it’s time to move on and do other fun and beneficial things maybe like traveling or scuba diving.  


Balance should be key but only after you have master the willpower of when to say no to the temptations and when to say yes.





 1. Same People Same Shit Different Day

When you go out every weekend, you start recognizing certain people. These people are usually regulars or people that work inside the club, bar ect. Weekend after weekend it becomes the same people, same thing happening just different day. It starts to become mediocre  and predictable to you. And you realize that most of the people in the club or party really don’t care about you and can’t help you in anyway that benefits you in your life. Everyone looks around judging each other’s looks and gossiping about one another. You start to get over it.


2. The lovely beer belly

As we get older our metabolisms slow down of course. The older generation gawks at how they used to be able to drink beer and still have a six pack the next day. But after partying for a while you start to notice a lil belly creeping up. And then you start to notice acne and reddish flares around your face. Yes those are from your organs screaming at you. And your hangovers start to take 2 or 3 days for you to fully recover which means lots of greasy unhealthy food, watching netflix and feeling like crap. Then you start your week off with a panic because you didn’t get anything done that you needed too and you stress out even more. Then you start to ask yourself if this is really worth it?


  3. Affecting other parts of your life like your job

At first you manage to be a hard worker and a hard partier with no problems. Sleep, who needs sleep? #teamnosleep Then after a while you start waking up like a bus ran you over twice and then threw you off a cliff. Unfortunately you start showing up late for work and your highly unmotivated. Your management starts to realize that you’re not performing up to par and there is a concern where possibly you could lose your job. Or if it starts affecting your relationship with your family where they either withdraw from you or other way around. You start to ask yourself if this is worth it? Maybe I should cut it down or knock it off.


celebration, friends, bachelorette party and holidays concept -

  4. What are you Celebrating?

When you go out and people ask if you guys are celebrating anything, and you reply back with an elongated answer “nooooo?” Then you look around and see they are celebrating a birthday, bachelor or bachelorette party, work promotion, reunion, graduation ect. Then you realize that you have been going out every weekend with nothing to celebrate and in fact you are really just going out to consume alcohol to forget about problems and cover them up instead of finding solutions and fixing them. You start to realize that partying without a reason becomes dry so you try to make up any kind of reason like its Industry Monday Night, Taco Tuesday, Wasted Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, Sunday Funday and well can’t miss Friday and Saturday.


  5. Too many regrets

Out of all the times you go out in a month, how many of those nights an actual good night that relates to no drama, you remember everything, you danced your butt off, you didn’t lose anything or anyone and it was just a jolly all good time that you will remember forever? If the ratio is ⅕ or anything less then ½ then maybe start reconsidering? What is the benefit of going out and spending money, stressing on what to wear and fighting with parents to watch the dog or child when you don’t’ even have a good time most of the time? Or you start waking up with a turning feeling in your stomach over what had happened the night before and how embarrassed you are. You start to realize that you are the exact opposite of the person you have always wanted to be.



Happy Kid Girl In Glasses Looking On Money And Counting The Prof

 6. When your Broke

If your financial situation is not right, it should be a big sign that you should sit a few parties out. You ask yourself what is the point of going out when I can’t even buy myself a drink? I guess I will have to find someone to pay for me, and then the whole night you’re stressing about if you will be able to get in or find someone to pay for you, who you will never be able to pay back because you’re out partying instead of fixing the problem. Also you start to realize that partying broke sucks! You really want to party like those big ballers and not have to worry about money but  well that that is never going to happen because you’re here in the club and those big ballers put 10 years of sweat, blood, tears  and not partying.  



For me personally life opened up for me more when I went through a partying stage and then decided to explore into other things. I definitely had some benefits of my partying stage of life. It helped me to be comfortable in social situations, more open minded, less uptight, and free. I explored and did things on a whim instead of planning everything out. I also learned how to read people a lot better. But when I started to ask myself these questions the next day after going out all the time, I decided they were signs and my time was to move on into doing other fun things in my life. 



Thank you so much for reading!

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